
With Venice consisting of 121 islands connected by 400+ bridges, it is easy to see how one could consider Venice inaccessible to those living with disabilities, and even easier to see why one living with a disability would hesistant in planning a vacation there.

On top of that, considering where to stay, where to eat, and what activities to do that are all accessible takes valuable time and energy. Where does one start in finding all this information?

Couple in wheel chair in front of an inaccessible bridge

Venice without Obstacles gathers accessible information for creating a single, coherent source of accessiblility information highlighting the most accessible aspects of Venice. Saving you all the hassle.

Working together with universities, organizations, and volenteers Venice Without Obstacles is constanly expanding making it easier for you to find exactly what you're looking for. Our mission is helping you locate any and all accessiblity information you'll need to plan an accessible, obstacle free trip to Venice.

Venice aerial shot

Majority Accessible


The city of Venice is 70% accessible by means on public transportation.

Accessible Bridges


Bridges containing ramps, handrails, tactile, or no slip edging.

Accessible Dining


Restaurants possess wheelchair accessible enterances.